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  • Documentary: Discovering the ecovillages of Europe

     Anonymous updated 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Posts
  • Anders Dreyer

    February 3, 2021 at 20:39

    COMMUNITIES OF HOPE is a film born from a quest to discover a regenerative culture. It is an invitation to discover a new way of life. A way of life measured by the rhythms of nature, the depth of human connection, the vast horizon of human potential. It’s the way of life in ecovillages. Filmed largely at the European Ecovillage Network’s annual European Ecovillage Gathering, and drawing on two years of travel and exploration in communities in Europe, the film takes us on a journey around the mandala of regeneration: how ecovillages relate to the social, economic, ecological and cultural dimensions of sustainability. It offers pathways towards a new way of seeing the world, and a new way of living together.


  • Anonymous

    Deleted User
    June 23, 2023 at 04:17

    Exploring the ecovillages of Europe can be an exciting journey. Each ecovillage offers unique sustainable practices and a sense of community. Here are a few popular ecovillages in Europe that you might find interesting:

    Findhorn Ecovillage (Scotland, United Kingdom):

    Known for its sustainable architecture, organic gardens, and spiritual focus, Findhorn Ecovillage is one of the oldest and most renowned ecovillages in Europe.

    Sieben Linden Ecovillage (Germany):

    Situated in the rural area of Saxony-Anhalt, Sieben Linden Ecovillage focuses on ecological construction, renewable energy, and sustainable land use. It offers various workshops and educational programs.

    Tamera Ecovillage (Portugal): Tamera is a peace research center and ecovillage that emphasizes sustainable living, permaculture, and water retention landscapes. It is dedicated to fostering peace, sustainability, and cooperation.

    Damanhur (Italy):

    Located in the Piedmont region, Damanhur is an eco-society known for its underground temples, art, and communal living. It emphasizes self-sufficiency, spiritual exploration, and sustainable technology.

    Schloss Glarisegg (Switzerland):

    Nestled on the shores of Lake Constance, Schloss Glarisegg is an eco-community focused on permaculture, organic farming, and holistic education. It offers seminars and events on sustainability and personal development.

    These are just a few examples of the many inspiring ecovillages in Europe. Each offers a unique experience and perspective on sustainable living.

    You can further explore these ecovillages and discover more about their practices, values, and opportunities for visits or participation.

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