• Building with Hemp

  • Anders Dreyer

    February 3, 2021 at 21:32

    Hempcrete is not load-bearing, but it does provide insulation, thermal mass, and it regulates temperature and humidity. The R-value of hempcrete is R-2.1 per inch. Some other advantages of hempcrete is that it resists fire, mould, and vermin, and it eliminates the need for a vapour barrier and drywall (gypsum). Instead, you protect the hempcrete with natural lime plasters on the inside and on the outside of the building. Using hemp is a sustainable building material because it is carbon negative (it stocks more carbon in the fibre of the plant than is used to grow, harvest, and process it). We’re very excited to learn about new and innovative ways to use natural building materials in conventional construction projects. Anthony says the cast-in-place construction method creates the highest quality of hempcrete, but pre-formed, pre-dried hempcrete blocks are more likely to allow hempcrete to go mainstream.

  • Anders Dreyer

    November 23, 2021 at 20:26

    Amazing Lego-Style HEMP BLOCKS Make Building a House Quick, Easy & Sustainable

    These hempcrete blocks are a green building material made with a hemp-lime insulation mixture packed around a biocomposite structural frame. They can be stacked like bricks to build walls up to 30 feet high and they become the insulation and the structure of the building. All you need to do after the walls are built is plaster the inside and outside, and then add windows, doors, and a roof!

    The hemp plant sequesters carbon during its growth, and lime, as it dries, reabsorbs the carbon that was released when it was manufactured, which means the hemp-lime mixture is carbon negative (it sequesters more carbon than it creates in its life cycle). Terry Radford from Just BioFiber says that these hempcrete blocks will sequester about 10 tons of carbon per house.

    Just BioFiber is located in Alberta, Canada and you can find out more about their hempcrete blocks here:

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